Results for 'Benes Alencar Sales'

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  1. A polissemia do sujeito cartesiano.Benes Alencar Sales - 2007 - Princípios 14 (22):79-92.
    O termo sujeito na filosofia aristotélico-tomista era empregado no sentido de fundamento, substrato, referindo-se a qualquer substância. Com a Idade Moderna surge Descartes que desencadeará uma verdadeira revoluçáo na concepçáo filosófica de sujeito: o homem passa a ser o fundamento primeiro de toda a realidade, sujeito único, inaugurando-se a filosofia da subjetividade. O sujeito cartesiano primeiro é o ego do cogito ( penso ), em que o homem é concebido apenas como espírito, substância pensante . Entretanto, o caminhar meditativo de (...)
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  2.  15
    Herança medieval da antropologia cartesiana.Benes Alencar Sales - 2002 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 47 (3):321-332.
    Divergindo em pontos fundamentais do pensamento filosófico medieval, Descartes, na construção de sua filosofia do homem, terá em pensadores renascentistas sua principal fonte de inspiração, estabelecendo com estes pensadores uma continuidade de idéias, uma comunhão de pensamentos. Não obstante as divergências, mostraremos neste texto como Descartes irá buscar na Escolástica fórmulas e conceitos para melhor expor sua antropologia.
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    Tra l'assurdo e la speranza: siamo tutti fideisti?Dario Antiseri - 2021 - Brescia: Scholé.
    Mendicanti di senso, costretti a scegliere tra l'assurdo e la speranza -- Ludwig Wittgenstein : delimitare il "dicibile" per proteggere l'"ineffabile" -- Immanuel Kant : "Ho limitato il sapere per fare spazio alla fede" -- Blaise Pascal : "È bene sentirsi stanchi e affaticati dell'inutile ricerca del vero bene, al fine di tendere le braccia al liberatore" -- Søren Kierkegaard : "Elimina la coscienza angosciata e tu puoi chiudere tutte le chiese e farne sale da ballo" -- Appendice : Tommaso (...)
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    Saying of St. Francis de Sales Concerning the Need for Christian Cheerfulness in Everyday Life.St Francis de Sales - 1997 - The Chesterton Review 23 (3):391-391.
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  5. A Perspectival Version of the Modal Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics and the Origin of Macroscopic Behavior.Gyula Bene & Dennis Dieks - 2001 - Foundations of Physics 32 (5):645-671.
    We study the process of observation (measurement), within the framework of a “perspectival” (“relational,” “relative state”) version of the modal interpretation of quantum mechanics. We show that if we assume certain features of discreteness and determinism in the operation of the measuring device (which could be a part of the observer's nerve system), this gives rise to classical characteristics of the observed properties, in the first place to spatial localization. We investigate to what extent semi-classical behavior of the object system (...)
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    Descartesova metoda ve vědách a ve filosofii.Josef Beneš - 1936 - V Praze,: Nákl. České akademie věd a umění.
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  7. La Lutte clandestine contre le pouvoir dans le roman policier hongrois à travers l'exemple de Vilmos Kondor.Krisztián Bene - 2012 - Cahiers Internationaux de Symbolisme 131:5-20.
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  8. Tombes i necròpolis isolades a la comarca de l'Anoia, dins Acía.Jordina Sales I. Carbonell - 1994 - Mediaevalia 14 15.
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  9.  31
    Ethics and Metaphysics in Plotinus.László Bene - unknown
  10.  48
    A partial model for Quine's "new foundations".Václav Edvard Beneš - 1954 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 19 (3):197 - 200.
  11.  29
    (1 other version)Foucault, O Sobrinho de Rameau e a parrhesía: da verdade da loucura à loucura da verdade.Márcio Sales - 2012 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 24 (35):313.
    Em seus últimos cursos no Collège de France, Foucault dedica uma atenção especial ao conceito de parrhesía. Trata-se de uma experiência viva na cultura greco-romana, que ele analisa em meios às técnicas de produção dos modos de subjetivação. No ensaio de si, como forma de cuidado de si, os antigos submetiam a vida à prova por meio do exercício corajoso da verdade. A parrhesía é, pois, o dizer-verdadeiro que faz da vida um campo de experimentação. No contexto dessas análises, Foucault (...)
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    The psychological present.P. Minkus-Benes - 1957 - Mind 66 (262):195-209.
  13.  23
    Self-constitution, Contemplation and Rational Agency.László Bene - 2023 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 17 (2):279-287.
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  14. La informàtica moderna, hereva intel· lectual directa del pensament de Llull.Ton Sales - 1998 - Studia Lulliana 38 (1):51-61.
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    Figuras de lo imposible: trayectos de la mística, la estética y el pensamiento contemporáneo.Zenia Yébenes Escardó - 2007 - Rubí, Barcelona: Anthropos.
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    Constructing Pagan Platonism: Plethon's Theory of Fate and the Ancient Philosophical Tradition.László Bene - unknown
  17. Democracy Today and Tomorrow.Eduard Benes, T. V. Smith & Ordway Tead - 1940 - Ethics 50 (3):336-339.
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  18. False Judgement and the Puzzles about Not-Being: Theaetetus 188B-189C, In: A. Havlicek – F. Karfík (szerk.): Plato’s Theaetetus. Proceedings of the Sixth Symposium Platonicum Pragense, OIKOUMENH, Prague, 2008, 217-249.László Bene - 2008 - In In: A. Havlicek – F. Karfík (szerk.): Plato’s Theaetetus. Proceedings of the Sixth Symposium Platonicum Pragense, OIKOUMENH, Prague, 2008, 217-249.
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  19. On the Consistency of 'New Foundations'.Vaclav Edvard Benes - 1953 - Dissertation, Princeton University
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    Shaw-Kwei Moh. A note on the theory of quantification.Václav Edvard Beneš - 1953 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 18 (2):179-180.
  21.  8
    A reversibilidade ontológica no conceito de imanência.Symon Sales Souto - 2020 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 20 (2):61-74.
    O estudo que se segue, tratar-se-á, a prima facie, de uma tentativa de justificar a necessidade de Michel Henry em radicalizar o método fenomenológico a fim de conceber a dualidade visível-invisível na Imanência absoluta de um sujeito patético sem, contudo, afastar-se do campo fenomenológico. No entanto, nos será preciso entender que suas considerações se tratam de um projeto onto-fenomenológico pois, segundo o autor, é apenas submetendo toda a ontologia à fenomenologia que o desvelar do Ser é suscetível de dar-se em (...)
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  22. Da técnica à poética: Reverberações Das tradições afrobrasileiras populares no corpo do artista em cena.Sales Jonas de Lima - 2016 - Saberes Em Perspectiva 6 (14):7-19.
    Este artigo é uma exposição fragmentada de pesquisa realizada no âmbito de doutoramento no PPGArtes/UnB. Mostra-se como uma proposta cênica-pedagógica, sendo um diálogo do corpo com as técnicas e poéticas que se encontram nas expressões de artes do povo que trazem matrizes africanas. Abordar-se-á reflexões sobre os aspectos que envolvem o trabalho do artista cênico no que concerne a sua criação estética. Com isso, pretende-se corroborar com a elaboração de saberes no que concerne ao universo das artes populares na contemporaneidade.
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    Dwellers in the land: the bioregional vision.Kirkpatrick Sale - 1985 - Athens: University of Georgia Press.
    Dwellers in the Land focuses on the realistic development of these bioregionally focused communities and the places where they are established to create a ...
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  24.  19
    Quine Willard van Orman. Mathematical logic. Revised edition. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1951, xii + 346 pp. [REVIEW]Václav Edvard Beneš - 1952 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 17 (2):149-150.
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  25.  19
    Vida enquanto absoluto incondicionado: sobre a materialidade da essência da manifestação na fenomenologia de Michel Henry.Symon Sales Souto - 2019 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 19 (3):105-114.
    A Fenomenologia Material de Michel Henry nos desvela o imenso domínio da vida que nos supõe outro conceito de absoluto, a saber, essa vida originária em cada cogitatio enquanto auto-afecção, onde nem a vida e tampouco o desvelado por ela são meros conceitos abstratos, mas uma realidade carnalmente passível. Este saber da vida se abre contra-redutivamente, de modo que, na passibilidade radical da vida, a partir de um sentimento que sempre ocorre na ipseidade de sua carne patética, Verbo e carne (...)
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  26. Aleš Havlíček and Filip Karfík (eds.), Plato's Parmenides. Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium Platonicum Pragense.László Bene - 2008 - Rhizai. A Journal for Ancient Philosophy and Science 5:183-196.
    Review of Aleš Havlíček and Filip Karfík , Plato’s Parmenides. Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium Platonicum Pragense, OIKOYMENH, Prague, 2005.
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  27. In: A. Havlicek – F. Karfík (szerk.): Plato’s Theaetetus. Proceedings of the Sixth Symposium Platonicum Pragense, OIKOUMENH, Prague, 2008, 217-249.László Bene (ed.) - 2008
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  28. Lexicography in the Theory and Practice of Comenius.J. Benes - 1983 - Acta Comeniana 5:143-155.
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    On some alleged philosophical implications of mathematical logic.Vaclav Edvard Benes - 1953 - Philosophical Studies 4 (4):56 - 58.
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    On the consistency of an axiom of enumerability.Václav Edvard Beneš - 1955 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 20 (1):29 - 30.
  31.  43
    Transcending babel in the cultural translation of Friedrich Rückert (1788–1866).Tuska Benes - 2011 - Modern Intellectual History 8 (1):61-90.
    A tension between cosmopolitanism and nationalism characterizes the career of the poetckert. The German orientalist and mentor to Paul de Lagarde translated remarkable quantities of Sanskrit, Farsi, and Arabic verse, while earning popular acclaim for his Biedermeier celebrations of the German Heimat. The contradiction in these scholarly pursuits can be reconciled by examining the intersection of the local, national, and global in Rckert expected to transform German into a universal language of spiritual reconciliation, thereby transcending Babel and distinguishing the German (...)
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  32. Quelques réflexions sur les responsabilités du physicien aujourd'hui.Gj Béné - 1990 - Nova et Vetera 65 (3):226-237.
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  33. Eponine, ou, De la République.J. de Sales - 1990 - Paris: Diffusion Les Belles Lettres. Edited by Pierre Malandain.
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  34. The summer 1996.Antiquities Sales & Features Egyptian - 1996 - Minerva 7.
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    Až za mnou přijdeš: vzpomínky na Nymburk a jiná místa.Josef D. Beneš - 2003 - Praha: Primus.
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    Mr. Mayo on “Rules” of language.Vaclav Edvard Benes - 1951 - Philosophical Studies 2 (3):33-36.
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    Nature and Lived Experience in Late Sartre.Adrián Bene - 2015 - Dialogue and Universalism 25 (2):143-152.
    The paper deals with the Sartrean concept of lived experience which constitutes a bridge between phenomenology and Marxism, psychology and ontology, individual and society, as well as between philosophy and literary criticism. The notion of lived experience is rooted in psychology, at the same time being embedded in literary criticism and phenomenology. It is interlinked with the notions of facticity, contingency, singularity, intersubjectivity, and body in the Being and Nothingness, and became the theoretical base of Sartre’s essays on Baudelaire, Genet, (...)
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    V-2 Ordinis Quinti Tomus Secundus.Charles Bene, Sem Dresden & André Godin (eds.) - 1985 - Brill.
    This second volume of Ordo V , in the Amsterdam edition of the Latin texts of Erasmus, comprises theological treatises presenting the first half of Erasmus’ commentaries on eleven Psalms. The commentaries explain the Psalms, offering the priests and parishioners material for their preaching.
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    Whose SPQR?: Sovereignty and Semiotics in Medieval Rome.Carrie E. Beneš - 2009 - Speculum 84 (4):874-904.
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    Withdrawing Ventilator Support for a Home-Based Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Patient: A Case Study.J. K. Schwarz & M. L. Del Bene - 2004 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 15 (3):282-290.
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    O papel do terreno jurídico na Prússia revolucionária: uma análise da função ideológica do direito nos escritos marxianos da Nova Gazeta Renana.José Roberto Almeida Sales Júnior - 2024 - Verinotio – Revista on-line de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas 29 (1):182-212.
    O presente artigo tem como objetivo discutir o papel do direito na Prússia na Revolução de 1848 tendo os escritos de Marx na Nova Gazeta Renana como referência. Busca-se com isso um delineamento de qual teria sido a função do terreno jurídico para o autor alemão no período em questão e os seus reflexos posteriores para a formação do capitalismo prussiano tendo como base seus escritos jornalísticos do período.
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  42.  23
    Moral Distress Under Structural Violence: Clinician Experience in Brazil Caring for Low-Income Families of Children with Severe Disabilities.Ana Carolina Gahyva Sale & Carolyn Smith-Morris - 2023 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 32 (2):231-243.
    Rigorous attention has been paid to moral distress among healthcare professionals, largely in high-income settings. More obscure is the presence and impact of moral distress in contexts of chronic poverty and structural violence. Intercultural ethics research and dialogue can help reveal how the long-term presence of morally distressing conditions might influence the moral experience and agency of healthcare providers. This article discusses mixed-methods research at one nongovernmental social support agency and clinic in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Chronic levels of moral (...)
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  43. Teaching and assessing with children's literature in an oral learning environment.Sandrine Aeby Daghé, Glaís Sales Cordeiro & Anthony Coppola - 2025 - Revue Phronesis 14 (1):27-50.
    In this contribution, we focus on teaching and assessment in school-based activities involving the oral transmission of texts at school entry in multilingual contexts. We analyze activities involving listening and oral exchanges between five-year-olds and their teacher about the comprehension of children's literature. Our analyses show that the challenge of oral interactions in the professionalization of teachers lies in the delimitation of a common, shared space for speech between the teacher and the class collective, and that the story-character system provides (...)
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  44. Deleuze e A lógica do sentido: o problema da estrutura.Alessandro Carvalho Sales - 2006 - Trans/Form/Ação 29 (2):219-239.
    Este texto pretende acompanhar os principais movimentos apresentados pelo filósofo Gilles Deleuze para propor uma estrutura do sentido, de acordo com a Lógica do sentido (1969). Para tanto, tentando nos alçar ao estruturalismo muito particular de Deleuze, seguiremos especialmente alguns argumentos estabelecidos entre a quarta (Das dualidades) e a oitava (Da estrutura) séries desse livro, bem como pontos do artigo Em que se pode reconhecer o estruturalismo? (1972).
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  45. Ontological Foundations of Competition.Tiago Prince Sales, Daniele Porello, Nicola Guarino, Giancarlo Guizzardi & John Mylopoulos - 2018 - In Stefano Borgo, Pascal Hitzler & Oliver Kutz, Formal Ontology in Information Systems: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference (FOIS 2018). IOS Press. pp. 96-112.
    It is widely recognized that accurately identifying and classifying competitors is a challenge for many companies and entrepreneurs. Nonetheless, it is a paramount activity which provide valuable insights that affect a wide range of strategic decisions. One of the main challenges in competitor identification lies in the complex nature of the competitive relationships that arise in business envi- ronments. These have been extensively investigate over the years, which lead to a plethora of competition theories and frameworks. Still, the concept of (...)
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    Institutional Constraints on the Ethics of Expert Testimony.Bruce Sales & Leonore Simon - 1993 - Ethics and Behavior 3 (3):231-249.
    We examined the dilemmas posed by the involvement of expert witnesses in court cases and the institutional constraints on the ethics of expert testimony. The causes for the incorporation of bad science into legal decisions, potential solutions to this dilemma, and the limitations of these solutions are considered. We concluded that law, science, and experts must respond to the problems posed by expert witnessing.
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    Moral Distress Under Structural Violence: Clinician Experience in Brazil Caring for Low-Income Families of Children with Severe Disabilities—ERRATUM.Ana Carolina Gahyva Sale & Carolyn Smith-Morris - 2023 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 32 (2):305-305.
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    Le moi et l’intériorité. [REVIEW]László Bene - 2010 - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition 4 (2):201-208.
  49. Tradução automática: os processos da tradução mediada por computador.Sílvia Gusmão Sales - 2011 - Saberes Em Perspectiva 1 (1):19-37.
    This paper describes a project that consisted of translation conception in the theoretical vision and the available advent in the Internet, the automatic translation. In the establishment of a practical methodology of exercises translated with the dictionary and the automatic translator. Finishing, it diagnosised the necessary requirements with the Letters Course students in the Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia, as previous structure knowledge of the English language and the time and author context. These resources, automatic translators added the previous (...)
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  50. An assessment to support oral language teaching and learning: The SEMO system.Dorothée Sales-Hitier & Pascal Dupont - 2025 - Revue Phronesis 14 (1):71-94.
    Our research focuses on the place given to oral assessment in the SEMO teaching scheme in cycle 3 (pupils aged 9 to 11). We examine the possibility of responding to the twofold constraint to which teachers are subject when they assess: taking into account both the competencies of the prescripts and the learning progress of the pupils. After presenting the system, which links curricula and pupil learning, we report on its operationality and the role of assessment in supporting oral language (...)
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